LIFE | Mother's Day Memories
2017 Philadelphia Art Star Craft Bazaar + 2019 D.C. Unique Markets Pop-Up
Oh, do I have fond memories working on Mother's Day with my son. It's a blessing and a blessing to have him working with me on this day. He wasn't a fan of having to get up early and hit the road before sunrise, but he powered through. His intentions were to make money so he could buy the latest video games or a pair of sneakers. None the less, this year I'm sure he'll be glad to sleep in and not have to worry about traveling for the next event.
Let's be honest, when you are a traveling artist working a show by yourself, it's nice having someone with you when mother nature calls. I always feel bad asking another fellow artist to watch my booth while I escape for a brief moment. Having him with me made it easier to take a moment for a food and bathroom break.
And looking at the two photos it's crazy how fast he grew in two years... If only they could stop growing for a while longer.
2017 The Parliament York Holiday Bazaar
December 2017, my daughter spent a couple of days with me in York, PA to assist at a holiday event in York, PA. The night before the show, we toured the holiday lights show, it was a frigid night. We definitely were not prepared. But we enjoyed ourselves. My girl learned quickly how to help me set up my booth and learn about the jewelry and types of metal. It was easy to step away and let her takeover. She even found a few stacking rings to wear throughout the market.
We've developed traditions of the years when they are with me traveling to events and one of them is hitting up McDonald's for a simple cheeseburger and large fries. I am not a fan of fast food... My family can attest to that. However, when you're leaving an event and you've exhausted any food you brought with you to eat during the event and just hungry and tired and want to get home, fast food chains seal the deal!
Right about now, I am usually deep in production mode getting ready for spring and summer art fairs. This year will be different and rightfully so, I am actually looking forward to a little downtime. Years before my days of working art fairs, I'd spend my Mother's Day weekends sleeping in, movie hopping at the theater, and dinner out with my family. I'm not quite sure what I will be doing for Mother's Day but I do hope the weather is nice so I can spend some timeout side, maybe even catch up with a friend 6ft apart. I am also grateful to have both my kids help and support me over the years in my small, micro business.
Wishing all the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, wives, sisters, friends, and yourself, have an amazing Mother's Day!
Shop All the Jewelry for Mom this Mother's Day!
Photo Credit: Cindy Liebel
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