LOOKING BACK | Highlights of 2020
As we all leave 2020 behind, the memories of those we've lost will continue. We send our most sincere love to all those who have lost loved ones during this year, thinking of all those who lost their jobs, to the teachers, first responders, nurses and Drs working overtime, thank you for your service. Squeezing tight, sending lots of virtual hugs to our single friends making the most of their days alone during the pandemic.
Moving forward, there is so much to reflect on this year, our strengths, failures, mental and physical wellbeing, new opportunities and challenges. None the less, we're heading into 2021, with a whole new perspective.
Looking back, here are some highlights of our 2020...
- Saw Moulin Rouge on Broadway in NYC... My first broadway play ever!!!
- Seeing the play Grease with my girlfriends!
- With the current shift to canceled in-person shows, I engaged in a total of 23 private virtual try-on's. THANK YOU!!!
- Learned how to make plant based skin care products such as, lip gloss, serum, mask scrub and body cream at Elodie Naturals.
- Your top favorite pair of earrings of 2020 year are the Aurora Hoops! I handcrafted a total of 833.25 inches worth of previous metal to make each and every hoop!
- The Queen's Gambit was my favorite series and I have watched it twice!
- Were invited to exhibit our jewelry at Westobou Gallery's first contemporary jewelry exhibition: Multifaceted: Art Jewelry in the South, in Augusta GA.
- I enjoyed reading more earlier in the pandemic
- First time seeing Chuck Ragan live performance at City Winery in DC.
- Northern Virginia Magazine published our new Axiom Gemstone series in their March issue soon after launch in late February.
- Spending time relaxing on our front porch during the springtime was one of my favorite things to do before dinner.
- Joining a new virtual community of likeminded individuals who are obsessed with spinning (thank you Peloton).
- Visit from a long time friend after 10+ years of not seeing one another
- Spend the day with my mom celebrating her birthday and my parents 51st anniversary outdoors social distancing
- Learning to embrace video and live chats on social media... Still need to do more of this.
- Hosted my first successful social media sample sale and had a blast getting to know each of you one-on-one during the event.
- Enjoyed seven weeks learning to advance CLJ's visual storytelling by the teachings of professional photographer, Alain Simic, still life photography class.
- Rescued our new family (kitten) member, Apollo Moon.
- Venturing out on walks with my girlfriend along the Rappahannock river.
- Listening to my son play the piano during practice.
- Participated in various opportunities, designing and fabricating OOAK jewelry items we donated for auction to support young black girls and women the metalsmithing trade, educating consumers why it's important to utilize suppliers who source recycled precious metals, fair mined colored gemstones and so much more.
- We packaged and shipped a record total of 84 packages in one week!
- Daytrip to VA Tech with my son!
- Our Isla Hoops are featured online at INSTORE Magazine and can be seen in the January 2021 publication.
- Making new friends/colleagues along the way... You know who you are, thank you for giving your time to listen and advise.
- My daughter and husband cooking dinner on nights I was too tired or too busy.
- Had the pleasure of listening to personal stories while getting to know you when designing custom order jewelry. Thank you for choosing me, truly an honor!!!
- Brunch with my girlfriends after not seeing them for 11 months.
- We packaged and shipped a record total of 84 packages in one week!
- Our tiny, little CLJ community grew 500+ new customers this year... I mean seriously, I absolutely, positively LOVE having you here and appreciate all your of your support and encouragement!!!
That's just a few of my 2020 highlights. Now, let's move on into 2021 like the warriors we are... Cheers to 2021 loves!
Photo Credit: Nina Wilson Photography
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